Dentro de Fatigue Science

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Webinar: Cómo Marcobre utiliza Readi para predecir la fatiga y reducir los eventos de fatiga

Acompáñenos en un webinar fascinante donde líderes de la industria discutirán la exitosa implementación de la gestión predictiva de la fatiga en las operaciones mineras.
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Destacado en Minería Internacional: Readi desplegado por Newcrest, utilizando ML para predecir la fatiga

¡Estamos encantados de aparecer en el último artículo de International Mining, destacando la implementación de nuestra tecnología de gestión de fatiga predictiva, Readi, por Newcrest Mining en su mina de oro de Lihir en Papúa Nueva Guinea!
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Estudio DoT de EE. UU.: SAFTE de Readi puede predecir un costo de accidente 7.3 veces mayor debido a la fatiga.

Un estudio de 2013 del Departamento de Transporte de los Estados Unidos (US DoT) está recibiendo nueva atención debido al reciente lanzamiento de ReadiML, el software de aprendizaje automático de Fatigue Science que opera un modelo científico de predicción de fatiga para su uso diario por flotas de transporte.
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El verdadero costo de la fatiga del conductor para su flota de camiones

La fatiga es un peligro bien conocido en la industria del transporte de camiones, siendo la fatiga del conductor de camiones un factor causal líder de numerosos accidentes en carretera cada año.
Trabajador industrial durmiendo en el trabajo
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Consejo sobre el sueño para trabajadores industriales

La ciencia del sueño | Fatigue Science Para un trabajador industrial, los riesgos son incluso mayores. Las interrupciones en el sueño provocan fatiga, y esta afecta tanto la seguridad como el rendimiento laboral durante tareas esenciales para la operación. Este artículo incluye información sobre la manera en que el ritmo cicardiano del cuerpo afecta los patrones de sueño, y algunos consejos acerca de cómo dormir mejor al trabajar en entornos industriales.
Santa Claus en su taller usando Readi

La fatiga en el taller de Santa Claus

Todos en Fatigue Science queremos desearle que disfrute de manera segura esta temporada de fiestas, y como dice Santa Claus: “¡Feliz Navidad para todos, y buenas noches para todos!”
Título del blog, logotipo de Fatigue Science y equipo de minería
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Factores circadianos en el rendimiento de la fuerza laboral

Un artículo publicado en Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews analiza de manera integral la ciencia detrás de la fatiga en el lugar de trabajo. En este artículo, “Fatigue and its Management in the Workplace” (La fatiga y su manejo en el lugar de trabajo), los autores evalúan las causas biológicas de la fatiga, la manera en que el lugar de trabajo moderno afecta estos factores biológicos y algunas de las maneras efectivas de manejar la fatiga.
Paul Marlow con su dispositivo ReadiBand

¿Por qué necesitamos dormir? Su salud mental se lo agradecerá

En este post invitado, Paul Marlow, un reconocido vocero sobre la salud mental, comparte la importancia de reconocer el sábado 10 de octubre como el Día mundial de la salud mental 2020, la salud del sueño y la inmunidad en los tiempos de la COVID-19. 

How Drivers Can Get Better Sleep and Prevent Fatigue

Sleep deprivation affects all aspects of life—appetite, strength, emotional stability, and memory. On the road, it’s more than a distraction. It can mean the difference between life and death. Drowsy drivers come from all occupations and walks of life. It’s a threat everyone faces at one time or another. You’re driving home from work after putting in extra hours or a child kept you up during the night and your eyes just won’t stay open. The reasons vary but the results are the same—dangerous driving.

Rest and Relaxation- The First Step for Poor Sleepers 

One important job as a performance coach in sports is to balance both the training and recovery with our players. Currently, I am an NHL strength and conditioning coach for the St. Louis Blues, but my role extends beyond the weight room and hockey rink. Sleep is a major component of recovery, and supporting a good night’s rest is everything in sport. Our athletes are perpetually exploring ways of sustaining elite performances. Sleep is arguably the best method available to do so. With endless stressors, high-pressure scenarios, and chaotic travel schedules, it can be difficult to find the off switch when the time comes for sleep. In this article, I share my some personal "bio hacks" for resting more effectively. I also explain why we need to consider more effective strategies for rest, with the ultimate goal of setting ourselves up for higher quality sleep.

Correlation between risk and fatigue in the workplace

In the same way that machines need regular maintenance to continue at peak capacity, a human workforce needs restful sleep to do their best work. However, fatigue from a lack of sleep contributes to more than just poor work. A worker experiencing fatigue in their workplace presents a risk to themselves and their colleagues.

A Good Night's Sleep: Mental Health And Productivity

Being down mentally will look different to everyone and will come in many forms. However, most people rarely see a professional to find out precisely what is making them feel "off." Now, there is no magic pill to fix every mental health illness, and we are still finding out ways to address the ones we can detect, but one thing has become apparent in the fight against these unforeseen illnesses. Getting Proper Sleep Is The Backbone To Getting Better. "Sleep deprivation affects your psychological state and mental health." - Harvard Health Publishing

17 Tips to Create the Ultimate Sleep Environment and Improve Your Quality of Sleep

Picture this: Despite your jam-packed schedule, you’ve still reserved enough time to unwind and relax before bed. Your bedroom is cool, calm, and dark, and you’re able to fall asleep and stay asleep without any trouble. The next morning, you manage to wake up before your alarm and feel well-rested, perhaps even energetic, and ready to take on the world. If this sounds like a scenario you can only dream of, you’re not alone – about half of Americans wake up feeling well-rested. We’ve gathered the 17 best tips for creating the ideal sleep environment to improve your quality of sleep so you can (finally) get a good night’s rest.

The Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder and Sleep Connection

New evidence has suggested a relationship between PTSD and sleep quality, and it appears that interventions focusing on sleep can assist in the management of PTSD. Sleep science, along with current medical research, has reached the point that practitioners are able to not only address the direct benefits of sleep, but improve outcomes of disease and other medical conditions.

12 Sleeping Tips for the Winter Holidays

The winter holidays often mean time spent with family and friends, but that doesn’t always translate into meaningful rest. Whether you’re travelling over the holidays or indulging in holiday treats, sleep should be a regular part of your plans. With that in mind, here are 12 sleeping tips to make sure you’re not a Grinch this holiday season.